Sunday, December 27, 2009

Winter Fun

So Uncle David was in town for Christmas and we wanted to do some fun things while he was here. We decided to go sledding first. Nathan wanted to drive an hour and pay 18 bucks an adult to tube down a big hill and also had a pulley to pull you up. I wasn't too excited about that. Mostly because I don't really like to tube/sled that much. I have known too many people that have broken hips and other body parts sledding. Somebody is bound to get hurt. I also have a weird fear of going straight down. I don't mind roller coasters, but you'll never see my bungee jump or sky dive. Anyway, we compromised and just went to a little hill at a school in town where we didn't have to pay at all! Not a big hill at all, but just right for the kids and me.

We met some of our friends there. How many kids can you fit in one sled?

Trying to conquer my fear...
There I go! This is not a flattering picture of me at all. I'm surprised I'm putting it here for all to see.

The ice arena was also having open ice skating, which they hardly ever do. We decided we better take advantage of it while we can. This is my second fear that I overcame. I used to love to ice skate when I was younger. I wasn't great, but could get around ok. The last time I went, which was about 3 years ago, I couldn't do it. I tried going around one time and thought it was so much harder than before. So I quit. I wasn't even going to go this time. I was just going to watch with Charlotte. But Charlotte wanted to try. So I decided to give it another try too. And I could do it! And Charlotte loved it too (for a little while anyway).

We just happened to run into our friends there :-) Peyton did awesome!
Brooke did great too. This was her second time but she still needed lots of help.
By the end of the night, she was doing it all by herself.

Anyway, I know this post is kind of cheesy, but I was pretty proud of myself for overcoming my fears and having fun with family at the same time!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Day

The girls slept in until 9:00 on Christmas Day! Brooke was so excited to open her presents. Charlotte didn't remember it was Christmas until we told her and then we was ready to go!
Here they are checking out their stockings.

Brooke got a new boy barbie, more Hannah Montana games, slippers, pajamas, coloring books, markers, a movie, lots of games, and tons of clothes!

Charlotte got dress up clothes, a ballerina barbie, movies, pajamas, slippers, games, and lots of clothes. This is her trunk of princess dress up clothes.
The barbie ballerina that she really wanted!!
She loves to dress up as Sleeping Beauty.
I got a couple new aprons, some slippers, and picture frames.

Here is the rib roast we got from the meat marker. It was good!!

Christmas Eve

We exchanged gifts with our friends on Christmas Eve. Charlotte got a Belle Barbie.

Brooke got a Hannah Montana Game. They also got a tub of Princess games, like Bingo, a fishing game, checkers, and some card games.
The kids having a tea party.

We read The Nativity and Brooke attempted to dress up as Mary. It didn't really work.
We decorated cookies for Santa.
Licking the icing is the best part!
The tree with all the present ready to be opened!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What we've been doing...

We've had some pretty lazy days this week. It's been nice sleeping in (if you call 8:30 sleeping in) not having anywhere to go and just hanging out. We have done a few fun things. We tried making gingerbread Santa sleighs instead of a house. Charlotte was more interested in eating the candy and the icing.

Brooke actually did a pretty good job. I think hers is the only one that survived.

We made 4. 2 survived until I moved them and now we're down to one :-(.
The box made it look so easy and cute. I think we'll stick with gingerbread houses.

Brooke and Charlotte found a new past time. Skiing. With the empty wrapping paper rolls and the sticks for our windows. It was actually Charlotte's idea.
We drove to Grand Rapids for Family Night. Nathan wanted to eat at Logan's for his birthday dinner. His birthday was actually on Sunday. We did a little shopping while we were there and saw some Christmas lights.

Charlotte falls asleep in the car anytime after 3:00. I'm still not sure how she sleeps like this.

Brooke is pretending to be asleep.
I tried to take pictures of the girls in their Christmas dresses. They don't like to be very serious sometimes.

I've also been doing lots of baking; probably too much. I became addicted to chocolate covered pretzels. But I think I'm done. Except for making cookies for Santa. :-)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Santa Train

Today we went on a Santa Train Ride. I guess you could say it is similar to the Polar Express but we weren't wearing pajamas and we didn't get any hot chocolate. But we did get to see Santa and a Princess did read The Polar Express to us. The train ride lasted about 1 hour and a half. The kids had a good time so that's all that really matters, right?

This is our conductor, Tom, right as we were boarding.
Santa gave each child a teddy bear.
Our friends, the Robertson's came too. Here is Brooke and Landen.
Kylee kept playing peek-a-boo with us.
Charlotte, Peyton, and Brooke
The Princess reading "The Polar Express".
We capped off our day with a trip to Steak-n-Shake. We sure do love that place.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Just Chillin'

The three girls were watching Enchanted and 'chillin' on the couch. Each one had their blanket and relaxed.
Sledding during our winter storm warning. We got about six inches of snow and then a mix of rain and snow all day today. The public schools were closed and the university closed after 5 pm. The children had a good time playing in the snow.

Thanks for stopping by! Come back soon!